Category Wireless Training

  • CWTS - Devin Akin Author

    by Devin Akin 13 Lessons in

    Join Devin Akin - CoFounder of the CWNP Program in the entire CWTS training course. The Introductory Enterprise WiFi v2.0 course provides the networking professional a foundation of knowledge for entering into or advancing within the wireless networking industry. From basic RF theory and regulatory requirements to WiFi devices, this course focuses on bringing WiFi sales and support professionals up-to-speed on the latest in 802.11 technologies in a practical way.

    Price: FREE
    Course Rating: [mrp_rating_result]

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  • WiFi Foundations 101 Rick Murphy

    by Rick Murphy 36 Lessons in

    The WiFi Foundations taught by Rick Murphy will review the necessary principles to give a deeper understanding of WLANs, so the student can continue on with more intensive and thorough courses. This course will teach you WLAN operations, the “Must Knows” of Wi-Fi, design and security principles, through course discussion and comprehensive proficiency assessments.

    Price: $199.00
    Course Rating: [mrp_rating_result]

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  • Basic Routing and Switching

    by Devin Akin 25 Lessons in ,

    In this broad-based foundational course, Devin Akin will take you through the basics of networking devices, management systems, protocols, routing & switching, and common security threats and solutions. Experiencing demonstrations of a broad scope of networking devices and diagnostic tools, attendance in this course will prepare you to tackle networking tasks such as design, installation, configuration, and troubleshooting.

    Price: $99.00
    Course Rating: [mrp_rating_result]

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